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About Sarah

Sarah B. Harnafi is a moroccan and french artist based in Paris. 

She uses photography, illustration and words to tell us poems life inspires her. 



  • Graphic Conference – Loin des yeux, près du Caire - Institut du Monde Arabe & Coline Houssais, october 2021, Tourcoing, France.
  • Araborama II Publication – Institut du monde arabe & Editions du Seuil, Once Upon a Time: The Revolutions of the Arab World - January 2021, Paris, France.
  • Pop Art From North Africa – August-October 2020, CASA ARABE, Cordoba, Spain. 
    Group exhibition with18 artists from the North African region – Exhibited series : «La Terre S’envole»
  • #PopArtvsCovid – May-June 2020, CASA ARABE, Virtual exhibition.
    Les Nuits Suspendues
  • Person(a)e – 28H/J – October 2019, l’Impasse gallery, Paris, France.
    Exhibited series : “Dessins de lumière.” 
  • Pop Art From North Africa – October-December 2019, CASA ARABE, Madrid, Spain
    Group exhibition with18 artists from the North African region – Exhibited series : «La Terre S’envole»
  • 28H/J – November 2018, Studio Le Flot, Paris, France.
    Exhibited series : Portraits d’influence, portraits de vie. 
  • L’art des Femmes – March 2017, Centre de Langues et de Communication, University Mohamed 1er, Oujda, Morocco
    Exhibited series : «La Terre S’envole»
  • Pop Art From North Africa – September-November 2017, GALLERY P21, London,UK. Group exhibition, Exhibited series «La Terre S’envole»with The Arab British Center.
  • Les Nuits Photographiques d’Essaouira – October 2017 – Essaouira, Morocco. 2nd edition,Exhibited series : «Balade Silencieuse».
  • Offprint London Artbook fair – Tate Modern, 2016 – London,UK. 
    Selection of the contest of the Museum of Visual Arts in Marrakech, selected series : «Streets of Morocco».